Across the Centuries:
Our History

The Fossil Salsobromoiodic Water
of Salsomaggiore
Il Tempio della Salute was born at the origins of time, from the primordial water that inhabited the Po river Valley (the Italian “Pianura Padana”) when it was still a verdant sea full of life. In fact, in prehistoric times, this immense plain was actually still submerged, and inhabited by the sea that would later be known as the Mediterranean.
The Salsobromoiodic Fossil Water of Salsomaggiore, which has remained exceptionally preserved in the subsoil of this peculiar geographical area, has no equal in the world for concentration of functional substances: it carries within itself the seal of that sea which, becoming “fossil”, has brought to us the precious elements present in its algae and minerals. The Salsobromoiodic Fossil Water of Salsomaggiore Terme is obtained by extraction between 1,000 and 2,000 meters deep.
The underground basin is uncontaminated by the rains, precious and limited. A mine that extends over an area of 24 square kilometers under the soil of Salsomaggiore Terme.
Salsomaggiore Terme:
capital of luxury thermalism
The city of Salsomaggiore itself sees its birth precisely because of this extraordinary water: it was the Romans who founded it as a center for the extraction of salt. From this practice also derives the name by which it is still known today. In the nineteenth century, the scholar and doctor Lorenzo Berzieri discovered the beneficial properties of bromine-iodine water, with which he cured seasonal ailments but also some chronic symptoms. And here is a small town transformed into Salsomaggiore Terme, the capital of luxury spa and undisputed international hub.
The properties of Salsobromoiodic Fossil Water derive from its extreme richness in trace elements and mineral salts: Sodium, Bromine, Iodine, Potassium and Lithium. They are extremely beneficial substances for the natural biochemical reactions of the skin, able to enrich and support the skin organ in its natural radiance.
Il Tempio della Salute brand has existed for 24 years: in 1998, in fact, the luxury cosmetics giant Cosmoproject obtained the license of the brand from the Salsomaggiore Terme, making it one of the most exclusive brands for spa and professional aesthetics. From 2022, for the first time in its history, Il Tempio della Salute opens its doors to the general public.

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Il Tempio
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